Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences, e-ISSN: 3030-5004

  • Editor-in-Chief:  Jaffar Ali, PhD, Malaysia

About the Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences (JRBBS)

Updated by Administrator

Date : 21/02/24

The Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences (JRBBS) replaced the previous title, the Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility. The JRBBS will be published on an annual basis, that is, one volume per year, beginning with volume 13 for the year 2024.

The JRBBS is an OPEN ACCESS journal and is freely accessible. The JRBBS depends on its own funds and voluntary donations from members of the public or authors with institutional support to provide free publishing service to authors. We are a not-for-profit organization. The JRBBS offer FREE PUBLISHING SERVICE for students of all economies, irrespective of geographic location and all authors from low and, middle income countries. Authors with institutional support are required to pay a nominal fee for publishing their work (see “Free Publishing”).

Most scientists of economically less endowed countries have neither access to publications in subscription journals nor funding to publish their research work. Open access started as a means to provide scientific information free of cost but its commercialization made it difficult for authors from low and medium economies to pay the high article publishing cost (APC). Consequently many could not publish their work. These circumstances are issues the research workers in affected countries endure daily, but are not readily apparent to the unaffected. This situation contributed to the poor scientific development. Affected nations took longer to develop and are perpetually trailing behind higher economies. It is a great way of keeping the poor less informed and undeveloped.

It was for this reason this journal was initiated so that scientific information and publishing are made freely available to the scientific community irrespective of their financial standing. We hope this small step will assist researchers in financially less endowed nations meet their publishing needs. We are hopeful other publishers will follow our example.

All articles published in the JRBBS are open access and, are disseminated and freely accessible as per the regulations of the Creative Commons Attribution pertaining to the (CC BY 4.0) license ( The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions but must conform to the provisions of the Creative Commons Attribution pertaining to the (CC BY 4.0) license code of conduct (

This revised title of Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences (JRBBS) starts from Volume 13. The previous two titles that preceded the present journal were:

Journal of Reproductive and Stem Cell Biotechnology (JRSCB), 2010 – 2012, Vols 1-3
Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility (JRBF), 2015 -2023, Vols 4-12.

Previously the journal catered mainly to laboratory professionals in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and related areas of laboratory reproductive sciences. With the inclusion of the word “Biomedical Sciences” in the current title in 2024, the journal has opened its portals to the entire field BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, including areas related to human reproduction.

The Editorial Team is determined to see the journal become a leading organ for the dissemination and exchange of scientific communication in Biomedical Sciences and human reproduction. With an outstanding Editorial Board, we are determined to make the journal among the best in the field. We pledge short turnaround times to ensure rapid publication of your research findings and manuscripts. We welcome and look forward to your continued patronage and support.

I, on behalf of the Editorial Board, extend an invitation to the entire biomedical sciences fraternity soliciting their contributions to the JRBBS.

Jaffar Ali, PhD

Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences (JRBBS)
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